Michelle Cascio, MA brings expertise as a trained ethnographer and data manager to her role as Cultural Resources Specialist with Piñon Heritage Solutions. As an ethnographer, she is versed in academic research, participant observation, data collection, interview and transcription, writing narrative accounts, and theoretical analysis. In the field, she has conducted pedestrian survey, vegetation management monitoring, screening, artifact and feature recording with photography and/or scaled illustration, and site updating on DPR 523 site forms. Within the lab, her experience working with cultural materials includes artifact transport and cleaning, basic identification, labeling and photography. In addition to her archaeological experience, Ms. Michelle Cascio has both supervisory and administrative experience. Supervisory skills include interviewing and training personnel in an education setting, dynamic scheduling with respect to student-teacher compatibility and content knowledge pairing, teacher performance review, maintaining client relations, managing program roll-out, and evaluating education program effectiveness. Administrative skills include knowledge of Office and G Suite applications, database and file management, over 20 years of evaluating others written work, and budget review for a multimillion-dollar cultural resources management project. Additionally, Ms. Michelle Cascio has ample experience managing cross-discipline projects, including her role as Lead Negotiator for the Civicorps United labor union and as Bilingual Algebra Teacher for the newcomer immigrant population in an urban high school.